What is TMJ Ammo?
TMJ stands for “Total Metal Jacket” Ammo. It is a specific type of ammunition that coats the lead projectiles completely with copper. FMJ ammo or full metal jacket bullets only have a copper coating on the top. If you pry an FMJ round out of the cartridge you will see the exposed lead core at the base.
TMJ Ammo is a popular choice for those who require low lead exposure. Some shooting ranges only allow TMJ bullets because they are concerned about lead exposure in the air.
But is TMJ ammo really better than FMJ ammo when it comes to lead exposure? Let’s find out.
Let us first understand how lead gets in the air when you fire your weapon. When you fire a gun, lead is vaporized from the base of the bullets and exits through the barrel (fragmentation). Some of the lead is burned up in the air (pyrolysis) and some of it is deposited directly on the ground (primary deposition).
What percentage of lead is burned in the air vs. deposited on the ground?
The percentage varies depending on how much smokeless powder you are using to fire your weapon. If you use more smokeless powder, you will get more fragmentation and pyrolysis.

What are the benefits of TMJ over FMJ?
The benefits of ammunition that use a total metal jacket design include:
1. Reduced lead exposure to shooters and those in the vicinity of the shooting activity. There is 33% more surface area on FMJs for exposure to lead.
2. Improved feeding in autos, semi-automatics, or any firearm with an automatic ejection system.
3. Reduced barrel fouling due to the low surface friction of the TMJ bullet against the bore.
4. Improved accuracy and consistency of bullet performance since the bullets are more uniformly manufactured.
5. Enhanced bullet integrity – it resists deformation, even when chambered or fired in a dirty firearm.

Is TMJ ammo bad for your gun?
No, TMJ bullets are actually cleaner for your guns.
When you shoot normal jacketed or plated bullets, the exposed base leaves lead particles in your barrel. TMJ bullets are completely coated on the back, so they leave no lead traces in your barrel. This is called “bore safe” ammo.
When you shoot traditional ammo, it leaves behind scrapes of metal (called “trim”) in your firing chamber and barrel. These pieces also end up in your receiver and firing pin channel .
TMJ doesn’t cause this problem since there’s nothing to scrape off inside the chamber when it fires.
For very high volume shooters, who may shoot hundreds or thousands of rounds at a time, this can really make a difference to their gun.
What is the difference between FMJ and TMJ?
FMJ stands for Full Metal Jacket, which is a type of ammunition used in both pistols and rifles. FMJ bullets are the most common type of bullet.
It has a copper jacket that encloses a lead core except for the base. There is exposed lead at the base. FMJ rounds are good for target practice because they are accurate and have average stopping power.
TMJ stands for total metal jacket. These bullets have a total metal jacket including the base of the bullet. This type of bullet reduces barrel fouling and doesn’t leave lead particles in the air due to their construction.
Indoor ranges love TMJ ammo. It is better for their patrons and way better for people who work in that atmosphere all the time.

Is TMJ ammo good for self-defense?
No, total metal jacket bullets are not good for self defense. They will penetrate an attacker’s body and hurt innocent people behind the attacker.
Always use jacketed hollow points for self defense. This type of round will expand upon impact which means more stopping power. They will also be more likely to stay inside the attacker’s body and not hit an innocent bystander.
Is tmj ammo good?
Yes, TMJ rounds are great for target practice. They are especially good for indoor shooting ranges.
TMJ bullets have a lead core that is completely coated in copper. This means the harmful lead dust cannot escape into the air.
You probably won’t be able to tell a difference in the way a TMJ bullet shoots compared to an FMJ bullet.
Effects of lead dust in the air
The following effects can be observed: Respiratory and nervous irritation, emphysema, bronchitis and pneumonia.
Lead dust in the air leads to agitation, irritability and insomnia. The lead dust passes through the alveoli of the lungs into the blood stream where it is distributed through out the body.
The nervous system becomes agitated due to this. Children get hyperactive at such times which could lead to anti-social behavior later on in life.
There are many cases where children have been diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) etc., after measuring their Pb levels. Such children may not be able to control any oral urges and they tend to put things inside their mouth without even thinking about it.
Here are some links to TMJ ammo at Lucky Gunner
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— Walter J., Silverdale, WA —

Jason Huskey
Owner of CCWClasses.net
Jason Huskey is a family man with three kids and a wonderful wife. He’s always starting new hobbies, but his true passion lies in shooting sports. Jason has been a CCW license holder for over 10 years and carries every day. In addition to firearms, he also enjoys playing guitar and writing songs. He tries to live by the Christian values he believes in.
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